Where to Find the Correct Professional Training Course (Fort/Weiterbildung)

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The variety of courses are enormous and searching on google for training courses can be overwhelming. Here a few tips and sites to help you pinpoint the correct offer for you.

Some of the questions you should ask before enrolling in a course:

  • Is the course meant to improve your current position and possibly allow a promotion or is the course meant to allow you to shift to a new job/profession?
  • How much money are you willing to spend?
  • Are there scholarships offered? (Scholarships for the Weiter/Fortbildung)
  • What types are there and which matches my situation? (Types of Fortbildung)
  • What educational qualifications are required to take part in this course?
  • What are my strengths/weaknesses? How do they prepare me for this course?
  • Do I really have time to take part in this?
  • What rights do I have? Can I take a study leave? (Laws regulating Bildungsurlaub)

The BiBB offers a self-evaluation document for those contemplating on taking up a professional training course. Find it here. The Stiftungs Warentest also offers a categorisation of institutions, check here.



InfoWeb Weiterbildung IWWB – an independent website that has over 2million courses listed based on title, location and dates.

Datenbank der Staatlichen Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht – lists all e-learning courses available

Datenbank des Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung – e-learning courses

Hochschulkompass der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz – courses for professionals are listed under “berufsbegleitend” or “Teilzeitstudium”

www.seminarmarkt.de – for Management courses

www.fobil.de – lists various courses categorised according to the targeted professionals

Berufenet – offered by the Federal Job Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)

Kursnet – offered by the Federal Job Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)

Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks

Weiterbildungs Informations System– offered by the IHK

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