New Opening Hours & Booking System at the German Embassy in Nairobi

German Embassy Nairobi

The German Embassy in Nairobi has updated their booking system to reduce the waiting time and encourage better planning for applicants and the embassy. The new booking system willl also allow some groups of people book for appointments in the afternoon. For the longest time, the German Embassy in Nairobi has only been issuing appointments till 12. It’s definitely great to see that they are responding to the increase in demand.

The embassy has also warned those who use agents to book their appointments, “Please do not use the help of agents to book appointments as any misuse in your name is to your disadvantage.

With the introduction of the new system, EVERYONE wishing to contact the consular section of the Embassy will have to do it AFTER booking an appointment. This includes applying for new German passports, certifying certificates and/or applying for German and Schengen visas.

The statement issued by the Embassy reads:

The Consular Department will change the opening hours from 17 February 2014. 

It will then only be possible to come to the Consular Department after having booked an appointment online.

This means that also applicants for passports, certified copies or translations amongst others have to book an appointment beforehand online:

Book your appointment

Please make sure you book in the correct category. If you need for example a certified copy, please book an appointment in this category.

For certain categories you can now also book an appointment in the afternoon.

The booked appointments are for the person who has booked only. This means it is not possible to book for one person and come with additional people. Also appointments cannot be switched.

Appointments are free of charge. Please do not use the help of agents to book appointments as any misuse in your name is to your disadvantage.

If you cannot make it to the booked appointment it is possible to cancel the appointment online and book a new one.

The new system will help to shorten the waiting period and allow yourself and the Embassy to plan ahead. It is therefore beneficial to both sides.

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