- Germany is position 11 in the world for the most asylum applications per inhabitant. (I’m shocked Kenya isn’t on the list yet it is home of one of the largest refugee camps in the world)
- 39% of Afghanistani applications are accepted in Germany while in Italy it’s 76%
- Germany spends about one billion euros on asylum seekers in the country, this is 0.3% of the federal budget.
- Only 1.5% of the asylum applications are accepted. That’s one asylum seeker for every 100,000 Germans.
- Over 20,000 Africans have died in the Mediterranean Sea trying to cross into Europe since 1990
- 17 million Africans are refugees with 32,000 having tried to cross into Europe in 2013.
- Turkey and Lebanon have taken in over one million refugees most of them from Syria.
- In 1994, there were 352,572 asylum seekers in Germany. In 2013 there were only 78,000.
- 59% of Germans would like Germany to take in more refugees, according to Stern.
- Most of the refugees in Germany come from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Russia.