Preparing Migrant Women for an Ausbildung in Geriatric Care (Altenpflege)

Helen Klipper (Zweite v. li.) und Salematu Sesay umrahmt von Stadträtin Daniela Birkenfeld und Mitarbeiterinnen des Vereins.
Helen Klipper (2nd left) and Salematu Sesay (centre)

An organisation in Frankfurt has been working towards helping women get into different careers since 1978, this time around they have developped a program that helps immigrant women living in Germany to prepare for the Geriatric Care (Altenpflege) Ausbildung.

 The course takes 6months helping prepare the students for the intensive ausbildung, some of the subjects taught include German and anatomy. The courses are offered Monday to Thursday from 9am till 3pm with at most 35 students.

Among some of the students are the school are Salematu Sesay a Sierra Leoneian and Hellen Klipper, a Kenyan. Salematu always wanted to do the Ausbildung but her German wasn’t as good as she wanted it to do an ausbildung, when her 9 month old son finally got a Kita, she enrolled for the course. Hellen Klipper was informed of the course by the Job Agency when her son joined the Kindergarten.

The project manager adds, “The most important point is that the students are here willingly”.

Interested in the course or would like to know more about the Verein or the course?

Call 069/795 099-0


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