If you want to study in German at a German University and your school system offers less than 13years (from primary to secondary school), you have to go through the Studienkolleg.
If on the other hand you want to study in English and you have good grades then, Studienkolleg is not a requirement at most universities.
You’ll mostly need Studienkolleg if you want to study in German, which I think is helpful to help you get the hang of learning in German, but if you aren’t interested you can just apply for an English program and learn German later.
The program only takes a year, with 28 to 32hrs spent in class weekly taking 5 to 7 classes. Attendance is a must. You’re allowed to repeat a semester only once thus meaning you can only take maximum 2yrs at a Studienkolleg. The best students after the first semester are allowed to take the Feststellungprüfung while the rest have to wait till the end of the second.
In order to be accepted at a Studienkolleg, you need to take a exam they call Aufnahmeprüfung at the University of your choice, some examples can be found here (Aufnahmeprüfung Muster).
(these might differ depending on the State, so please call the Uni for clarification on what their requirements are)
- Knowledge of German – this is measured either with a B1 or between 400 – 600hrs of German lessons.
- Student visa – comes after your admission
- Certified copies of your certificates
- Money – this usually ranges from €6000 to 7000 in a German account or a letter from a sponsor with much more than that
- Admission letter from the University
- Application appointment
- M-Kurs – medicine, biology and pharmaceutical sciences
- T-Kurs – maths, sciences and technical sciences
- W-Kurs – business studies and social sciences
- G-Kurs – German cultural studies and humanities
- S-Kurs – languages
Check where these courses are offered: Kollegs die Schwerpunktkurse bieten
Some courses are offered at Fachhochschulen
- TI – Kurs – technical and engineering sciences offered at all FHs
- WW – Kurs – business studies offered at most FHs
- GD – Kurs – art and design only offered at FH Köln
- SW – Kurs – sociology and social sciences offered in FH Coburg and Köln
The Feststellungsprüfung can only be repeated once and only within a year after failing the first time. It’s also possible to register for and take the Feststellungsprüfung without having attended the Studienkolleg.
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