Many of you have shown a lot of interest in the event, only problem is most can’t figure out what we’ll be discussing. So here is a short breakdown, to get the rest of the info, come to the event.
The event in Nairobi dabbed the Career Fair with Mkenya, will be discussing:
- Applying for University – Bachelors, Duales Studium, Masters, PhDs, Research positions
How to finance studies/research in Germany e.g through Scholarships,
Internships and volunteering opportunities
Apprenticeship and careers without a University degree
Exchange programs for students and professionals
Opportunities offered by the new EU Blue Card
It aims at:
High school and University students
Recent graduates that haven’t decided what to do next
Professionals looking for new opportunities
Those interested in furthering their studies or going into research
Registration is free online, payment will be done at the venue of the event. Those interested can register here.
I’d also to point out to those who might be interested that there are many other opportunities in Germany that don’t necessarily require University degrees and also a lack of German (at the beginning) isn’t always a disadvantage when moving to Germany. The event is suited for both men and women.
Share the info with those interested, looking forward to lots of questions from the attendants and a great time with them.
If you’d like to share the flyer with others through mail, you can download it here.