Use of fake documents and providing false information is punishable by both Kenyan (Chapter 63 of the Penal Code Division 7) and German law ( Abs.23 § 267 StGB).
The law
Kenyan (Chapter 63 of the Penal Code Division 7):
349. Any person who forges any document or electronic record is guilty of an offence which,… is a felony and he is liable, …, to imprisonment for three years
German ( Abs.23 § 267 StGB):
(1) Wer zur Täuschung im Rechtsverkehr eine unechte Urkunde herstellt, eine echte Urkunde verfälscht oder eine unechte oder verfälschte Urkunde gebraucht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (Whoever makes documents with intent to deceive in legal relations, falsifies a genuine document or uses a forged or falsified document, shall be punished with imprisonment of up to five years or a fine.)
At the Embassy in Nairobi
According to the German Embassy website in Nairobi, anyone discovered to have provided false information and/or false documents:
“At best, your application will be rejected. At worst, depending on the gravity of your action (e.g. forged documents), you might get arrested and prosecuted under Kenyan law.”
In Germany
The German law clearly stipulates punishment for providing false information and/or documents. The law goes further to give specific punishments for specific documents.
Health Certificates: ( Abs.23 § 277 StGB)
Those caught with fake health certificates are liable to 12months imprisonment or a fine.
School Certificates
Usually, just before graduation, most Universities and even schools that offer Ausbildungen reevaluate the certificates provided by the students who are about to graduate. If at this time, it is discovered that the certificates used in the application were fake, then the individual DOESN’T graduate. (Regulated by the Studien- und Promotionsordnung and also by the Hochschulgesetz under Aberkennung von Abschlüsse)
If it is discovered when one has already graduated, then the level attained is canceled. If one used a fake KCSE certificate to apply for Uni, then their degree is declared invalid. (Regulated by the Studien- und Promotionsordnung and also by the Hochschulgesetz under Aberkennung von Abschlüsse)
If it is discovered after one is working, the employer is allowed to fire the employee with no prior notice. (§ 626 BGB)