Assessment Centers are usually used by large and middle enterprises to recruit new employees. They can be intensive involving presentations, team work and tests. More than 56% of the companies today in Germany use Assessment Centres in their recruitment exercise, so how do you ace that? Below are a few tips from the experts.
1. Call the company for the program for the day
2. Engage in the team activities, don’t ask questions too late and don’t try to outsmart team members.
3. Remember Big brother is watching, all the time, from when you walk in to your lunch break.
4. Maintain your cool, the whole aim of an assessment centre is to find out how applicants react in different situations, how they approach complex tasks, how they work with in teams and whether they fit into the company culture.
5. Make sure you don’t pretend to be something you aren’t, when most recruiters notice any discrepancies then you’re automatically kicked out.
6. Join the discussion and group work early enough, don’t try to join in at the very last minute.
7. If you can’t contribute to the topic at hand, let that not push you from getting involved in the team work. You can still contribute as an organiser, time manager for the team or offer to write down the discussion points.
8. Listen carefully to instructions, read the given instructions and don’t be shy to ask questions when you don’t understand something. Also use the material given to undertake the given tasks accordingly and feel free to use anything you might have brought with you that can help you accomplish the task better.
9. Don’t lose your cool or pretend to be a perfectionist. Sometimes the given tasks aren’t solvable or at least not solvable in the given time. Don’t blame anyone for it, remain relaxed and continue.
10. Don’t bad mouth any of the candidates or recruiters, not even during your breaks.
11. It also helps for applicants to be well versed on matters concerning the company and the industrial branch.