Pursuing education in Germany can be a long and winding road but if you keep at it, you’ll definitely get to where you’re going. This young lady came to Germany as an au pair and though her road to getting a degree might have been delayed due to the various hurdles, she’s right on track.
Damaris Mwangi moved to Germany four years ago at a tender age of 21. Her aim was to learn about new cultures and visit a different country and through her father’s contact that lived in Schleswig-Holstein at the time, she came to Germany as an au pair then. After her au pair year, she took up a volunteering year as an FSJer.
With her dream to study still pushing her, she joined a Studienkolleg in Kiel before joining the Fachhochschule Westküste (FHW) in Heide. She’s currently in her second semester as she studies, a bachelor in International Tourism Management.
She hopes to get a master and if she gets a job in Germany, she’d like to work here for a while. The only downside is she misses her family, especially her ten year old sister.
Although she notes that the whole process wasn’t easy, she doesn’t regret having followed her dream.