Learn German for Free


Someone recently asked me about free German courses, and my first thought was online courses but they were asking for offline courses and I promised to research. Now that I found some, I’m sure there are others out there who are interested in the same thing. If you know any Verein in your area that offers free German courses, please feel free to add it in the comment box below or send me an email.

Language Courses Offered by Vereins:

  • Offene Tür e.V. Berlin – offenetuer.net – offers free language courses for anyone interested
  • Mandé Berlin – Mandé Sprachkurs – courses for all, cost €15 per MONTH
  • KOM gGmbH Hamburg – kom-bildung.de – they offer free courses regularly
  • For those in Leipzig here is a long list of pleaces that offer free German courses – leipzig.de/Niederschwellige Sprachkurse
  • Hagar Project in Würzburg – wuerzburg.de/HAGAR Projekt – language Course for Women by Women
  • DRK in Kreis Borken – drkborken.de/integration-durch-sprache
  • Language Course for Women in Krefeld – krefeld-verbindet-menschen.de
  • Language course for children and adults – love-from-africa.de

Integration Courses Offered by the State:

New Immigrants with a visa valid for longer than 12months 

  • need a Bestättigungsschein from the Ausländerbehörde in order to register for the course.
  • the course costs €1,20 per hr (from 12th July 2012). So for the 100hrs class you pay €120

Immigrants who’ve been living in Germany for a long time

  • need to get a Zulassung zum Integrationskurs from the Ausländerbehörde
  • the course costs €1,20 per hr (from 12th July 2012). So for the 100hrs class you pay €120

Immigrants who’ve been living in Germany for a long time and are unemployed

  • need an approval from Arbeitsamt
  • the course can be paid for by Arbeitsamt

Immigrants who are unemployed and receiving Arbeitslosengeld II or Hartz IV

  • the course is free

Free online Courses:

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3 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Kenyan Student Talks on Why She’s Learning German and What She thinks of Germany | Mkenya Ujerumani
  2. Where to Learn German in Kenya | Mkenya Ujerumani
  3. Online Resources to Help you Study | Mkenya Ujerumani

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