As a Kenyan are you eligible for Bafög? Yes if you fulfill the following:
- Your parent works in Germany and has been paying taxes for atleast 3yrs prior to your application
- You’re married to a German/EU citizen or if one or both of your parents are German/EU citizens
- If you have a Duldung and have been living in Germany for atleast 4yrs
- If you have lived here for at least 5yrs working and paying taxes before applying for the Bafög (you’ll need the Ausdruck der elektronischen Lohnsteuerbescheinigungen for all those years as evidence)
You can apply for Bafög at any Bafögamt usually though you should contact the one in your University; most of the times it’s based in the same office as the Studentenwerk, if you’re not at the University while applying for bafög please check the Bafög website to find out the closest Bafögamt to your area or just google. You can either download the forms from the Bafög website: www.bafö or get them from the studentenwerk at your University.
The process of applying for the Bafög can be tedious with the numerous forms but considering you get half of the money as a gift, why not? Even when they delay the approval, you still get paid for the whole semester so the better for you.
I don’t know if I should do a post on applying for Bafög? Leave comments if you think you’d need the instructions
what ive read and is of concern to me is,i have to prove my parents income.for me im married….i have to take my hubby’s +parents income details.have u heard someone providing her parents income details who r in kenia?
If you are married you’ll need to show your husband’s income details, but if you are just a student then you’d need to show that of your parents. You just need a payslip from Kenya or a letter from your parent’s employer to show at the Bafögamt.
wwhat happens with Urlaubsemester??? do u still get the bäfog??
You don’t get Bafög for the Urlaubsemester, per se but if you apply for Bafög and one of the semesters is an Urlaubsemester then you get lucky. Though to reapply for the next year, you have to show that you are still at per with your studies or give a reason for the Urlaubsemester.