Possibilities of Joining Uni or Doing an Ausbildung When Your KCSE Cert is Equivalent to Less Than Hauptschulabschluss


Some of us with hopes of doing an Ausbildung, have found ourselves sending in our KCSE Cert to the Anerkennungstelle, only for it to be graded as less than a Hauptschulabschluss. This can be devasting, but not necessarily the end. If you really want to do an Ausbildung, it remains a possibility even with such a certificate. So here are a few ways to can still get into Uni or the Ausbildung you want.



This is an evening school though it might also be offered in the mornings for parents with young children. The Abendgymnasium is offered to those above 19 years of age and who already completed school but would like to go back and get an Abitur or a Hochschulreife, the qualification required to join a university (Fachhochschule or Hochschule). READ: Abendgymnasium



These are the online schools where you can learn anything as you continue with your normal life. You take the classes whenever you have time, at your own pace then take the exam offered by the state and you get a High School Certificate (either Hauptschulabschluss or Realschulreife depending on your state and what you sign up for). If you’re psyched enough, you can even continue to get an Abi also at the Fernakademie.

The rest mentioned here, focus more on preparing you for an Ausbildung that just gives you the Certificate. In most of the following you can get the chance to have the year spent at these schools recognized and it reduces the amount of time needed to finish the Ausbildung.


Berufsvorbereitungsjahr (BVJ)

One year is spent both going to school as well as trying out different professions so that you can make up your mind about what to do in future.

Berufsgrundbildungsjahr (BGJ) (Berufsgrundschuljahr)

Allows you to get a lot of practical knowledge as well as an equivalent to Hauptschulabschluss. Though it’s aimed at those that failed to garner an Ausbildungplatz. For some Ausbildungen, they do consider what you learnt at the BGJ and this helps shorten the duration for your Ausbildung.

Berufsvorbereitende Bildungsmaßnahme (BvB)

This takes between 10-18months, you work at different workshops or professions to decide what you would like to do, and it allows you to get a Hauptschulabschluss equivalent.


A one or two year course where you learn the specifics of a certain profession and at the end you get an equivalent to Hauptschulabschluss.

Nicht Schülerprüfung/ Externe Prüfung

This is offered by the specific state for those that would want to repeat/do the Hauptschulprüfung without necessarily getting into the Ausbildung set fields above. For the preparation classes, you can check out the VHS or some of the Fernstudium sites like ils, fernstudium etc


This has an age limit of 25yrs, and takes 6-18months where you attend Berufschule as well as take up an internship in a profession of your choice.

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