Application deadline: September 1, 2015
For details of application requirements and procedures, please consult information sheet A 1-1 (“scholarship application for undergraduate and graduate students”, PDF) or A 2-1 (“scholarship application for doctoral studies”). These give important information on the formalities of your application and on preconditions and criteria.
The online application portal opens on July 20, 2015 and closes on September 2, 2015 at the latest.
By the application deadline of September 1, we must have received all documentation in full, including the expert reports and references. Only then will the application be considered complete and will processing begin. Please note that incomplete applications cannot be processed. If we have not received all the required documentation in full by September 1, we will inform you of this and refer you to the next application deadline.
At the time of application, the applicant must have been accepted as a student or doctoral student by a state-recognised institution of higher education in Germany.The applicant has to be accepted by a state-recognised institution at the latest by the beginning of the scholarship.
Formal prerequisites
1. General student scholarships for German and German-educated applicants (Bildungsinländer/innen (1)):
Students in all subjects who are pursuing a FIRST DEGREE (Bachelor, Staatsexamen, Diplom) and who earned their university entrance qualification (2) in Germany:
- You may apply before beginning your first degree (Bachelor, Staatsexamen, Diplom) or at any time up to the end of your third “Fachsemester”. Masters students cannot apply, because we aim to support students over the longer term. However, Bachelors students who have been awarded support may receive further support for a Masters course.
- Special (but not exclusive) target groups are: first-generation students, women, members of ethnic minorities, applicants from universities of applied science (Fachhochschulen).
- Our scholarship programme also focuses (but not exclusively) on certain subjects: especially the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), particularly with a focus on environmental science (e.g. environmental protection, renewable energies, climate, etc.); economic and legal studies; journalism; and art studies.
- Germans and Bildungsinländer/innen (1) may receive funding for a complete Bachelors programme outside Germany but within the EU. In this case, the application must include a detailed justification of the proposed location and subject.
2. Student scholarship – journalism: “Medienvielfalt, anders: Junge Migrantinnen und Migranten in den Journalismus” (for German nationals and Bildungsinländer/innen):
- This programme is aimed at German or German-educated students with a migration background who wish to become journalists. Funding is not limited to students following journalism studies programmes.
- You may apply before beginning your study programme or at any time up to the end of your third “Fachsemester”. The conditions outlined in A.1. apply
Please note that an application for the autumn application process is possible, if you are a German or German-educated doctoral student.
1. Doctoral students in all subjects who earned their university entrance qualification in Germany (Germans nationals and Bildungsinländer/innen (1)):
- At the time of application, the applicant must have been accepted as a doctoral student by a state-recognised institution of higher education in Germany or another EU country.
- Preference will be given to dissertation projects related to the working areas of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
2. Doctoral scholarships: Focus programme “Transformation Research“
- Doctoral students from Germany who would like to apply for the focus programme “Transformation Research”
- Formal requirements like in paragraph B.1.
Postal address:
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin
Bärbel Karger
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 28534-400
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 28534-409
Office hours for telephone enquiries:
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
(1) “Bildungsinländer/innen” are applicants who are not German nationals but who – as opposed to “Bildungsausländer/innen” – gained their university entrance qualification in Germany.
(2) “University entrance qualification” refers to the school leaving qualificationthat entitles you to begin university studies. This qualification – your entitlement to study – must be attested with an official certificate. As a rule, for Bildungsinländer/innen this qualification is the Abitur, but there are other options: as well as the general Abitur, other qualifications may be accepted as equivalent (for details, see the German version of this page).
It does not refer to a university degree earned in Germany which entitles the holder to begin doctoral studies.
Information Sheets
Student scholarship:
- Info sheet A1-1 (PDF)
- Application form (in German, PDF)
- Download expert report form (PDF)
Doctoral sholarship:
- Info sheet A2-1 (PDF)
- Application form (in German, PDF)
- Download expert report form (PDF)
- Info sheet Transformation Research (PDF)