Although this comes into effect on January 1st, only parents who give birth from July 1st 2015 are legible to apply for it.
Although new parents getting parental benefit were also allowed to work part-time, they will no longer receive the full benefit amount.
Parents will now also be allowed to receive the parental benefit for up to 28 months after birth of their child instead of the usual 14 months of the current regulation.
Parents will also be allowed to share the Elternzeit into 3 blocks unlike the current 2. However, if the third block falls between the child’s third and 8th birthday, the employer may refuse to give the employee leave based on urgent operational reasons (dringende betriebliche Gründen).
Partnership Bonus
Mothers and fathers who both work 25 to 30 hours a week may also enjoy 4 extra months of parental benefit. If they aren’t married then they have to at least share custody.
Parental allowance (Elterngeld), parental allowance plus (Elterngeld Plus) and partnership bonus (Partnershaftbonus) can also be combined: If a mother doesn’t work for six months and is receiving full parental benefit, then she can also apply for parental allowance plus for twelve months. The partner can also apply for two months parental allowance or four months parental allowance plus. If both parents are work part-time for at least four months for 25 to 30 hours per week, both may get parental allowance plus for these four months.
It is also possible that the mother and father after birth work part time for up to 30 hours per week and together each gets 14 months of parental money plus. After they could also take advantage of the partnership bonus. Single parents can also enjoy the new parental allowance plus but they instead get up to 28 months parental allowance unlike the 14 months for married couples.
Multiple birth Allowance (Mehrlingszuschlag)
Parents who have multiple births are entitled to parental benefits for each birth not for each child. Thus the new allowance of €300 per child per month.