Necessity is the mother of all inventions. Due to the decrease in the number of children born in Germany plus the fascination to go to Uni for most people, very few children are opting to do an Ausbildung in Germany after they complete their basic schooling. Companies still need the Azubis and they are coming up with very interesting methods to attract the Azubis to their companies.
Today as a potential Azubi with good grades, the German market is at your feet to choose which company to work for, and these companies have noticed this and are making sure they stand out.
There are currently over 15,000 vacant spots in craft and 60,000 in industry and trade according to ZDH’s approximations.
More than 50% of the students graduating from high school join Uni with many opting out of doing an Ausbildung. Most of the young people today are deciding on jobs based on security, status and working hours which has seen jobs in bakeries, butcheries and hotels have very few applicants.
Hotels like the Swiss Marché which is part of the Movenpick group, are offering the best Azubi a company car plus a premium on their salary. Other premiums being offered by companies include, Gym Membership, iPhones, an all expense paid Semester abroad and foreign language lessons.
Experts aren’t impressed by this idea though and many think it won’t work for the long run. Companies that need Azubis should start searching for them while they are still in school and not just sit back and offer them presents.