Ireceived this report from BiBB (Berufsbildungsangebot und nachfrage/Bildungsbeteiligung)and I thought I should share some of the „expert“ findings. Maybe you agree ordisagree with what was presented, would like to know what you think.
It’s a well-known fact that migrants orchildren to migrants even with equal qualifications and all other requirements,tend to miss most chances. So what is the reason for this? I know the easiestanswer is racism but is there more behind this simple fact?Firstof all, migrants tend to only focus on specific professions, this has beennamed as the main reason for their failure in getting jobs by the Bundesagenturfür Arbeit as well as a group of Career Experts that did the research. 64% ofthe migrants that applied in 2010, all applied in the “top” 20 professionswhile only 53% of the Germans applied for these top professions.
Immigrantsprefer Service and trading jobs (13% vs 9%) but their chances of getting aposition in these fields are very low.
Chancesof anyone getting an Ausbildung are much higher in Metal and electric workfields (manufacturing professions) than it is in Organization and Office jobs. Business is also a difficultfield to get an ausbildung in.
People applying for 2 or more professions havea higher chance of getting an ausbildung position than those that only focus onone, but this only applies to a maximum of five professions, more than thatdoes not increase the chances of success.
Thosewith better grades have better chances than those with bad grades.
Applicantswho also look into other professions eg Schulberufe instead of Berufsbildung (BBiG)/Handwerksordnung(HwO) Berufe have a better chance.
Immigrantapplicants have better chances in manufacturing professions than inOrganization and management professions. Although they prefer service andoffice professions to manufacturing professions.