According to the law, these two are meant to help students who can’t afford their livelihood during their studies BUT in reality not everyone can apply for it. So here are a few things to try and clear up the air on who actually is allowed to apply for these 2 from the state.
First of all what are they?
BAB – Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe -“BAföG für Azubis”
under the control of the Federal Job Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) and only for those either doing an Ausbildung or those in a Berufsvorbereitende Bildungsmaßnahme (BvB) (read about what BvB is at Pursing a Career in Germany as a School Dropout)
BAFÖG – Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz
this is wider than BAB and is given to almost anyone, so it can be given to school children who are above class 10 and are either attending a BvB, Abendgymnasium, Fachhochschule or Uni. They don’t however consider students in a Berufschule nor those doing a dual Ausbildung.
That’s the general info. So as a Kenyan how can you get any of these?
- If the parent(s) have been in Germany for atleast 3yrs and have been working. If only one parent is in Germany and the parent is current doing an Ausbildung then that does not apply even if the parent lived here longer than those 3yrs BUT immediately the parent completes the ausbildung and gets a job then the 3yrs count. Mmelewa? If not send me an email I’ll try and explain better.
- If the person has been living in Germany legally for the past 4 yrs on a Duldung ( § 60a Aufenthaltsgesetz )
- If you have a visa based on the following laws § 22, 23, 23a, 25 Abs. 1, 2, 3, 4 Satz 2 oder 5, den §§ 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 oder § 104a AufenthG. (For those who don’t fill like searching what kind of visas each of those are, most are for people with visas based on humanitarian grounds)
Who CANNOT apply?
- Those doing a Schulische Ausbildung (check list here Schulische Ausbildungen)
- Those who are here for the sole purpose of study or Ausbildung. (§ 16 f. AufenthG) But if your parent fulfils the criteria on working (having worked) in Germany then you can apply.
- And those with visas based on (§ 18, 24, 25 IV and IVa f. AufenthG)