
Support during your Ausbildung


Doing an ausbildung can be a challenge and doing one in a foreign country can be even trickier. Thus the need for a support system to help you through the 3-4 years. Here are a few places to get that support.

Before the Ausbildung:

If you’re still searching for an Ausbildung position or still not sure which Ausbildung to get into, here are a few resources to help you out.

Competence Agencies – these help you transition into the Ausbildung and are found all over Germany. You can find more info at: www.kompetenzagentur.de

Bildungspaten – these are adults that act like mentors or buddies and help you find your way within your career and Ausbildung based on their own experience. You can get connected to one of the “buddies” via their site at: www.aktion-zusammen-wachsen.de

Youth Migration Services – also found all across the country, they offer information on Ausbildung and employement for migrant youth in the country. You can find them at: www.jugendmigrations-dienste.de

BiBB – If you are looking for the technical information about your Ausbildung, what the course content is, and many other nitty gritty details, you can always check out the BiBB website: www.bibb.de BiBB is the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundes institute für Berufsbildung).

If you’re interested in working in the German civil service, you can check out www.wir-sind-bund.de a website aimed at attracting more migrants living in Germany to apply for Ausbildung and job positions in the German civil service.


During Ausbildung:

Ausbildungsberater at the local IHK, they assist Azubis and parents

The Federal Employement Agency (Agentur für Arbeit) runs a program „ausbildungsbegleitende Hilfen“ (abH). This offers additional classes outside the normal Ausbildung training hours. Azubis get additional help in case they are having difficulties in their Ausbildung.

The Verhinderung von Ausbildungsabbruch (VerA), is an initiative that helps prevent Azubis from dropping out of school during their training. They provide mentoring, with mentors who help the Azubis by answering their questions. More info at: www.vera.ses-bonn.de

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