Farewell Party for Kenyan Ambassador and “Assistant Ambassador” held

Ken Osinde and family farewell
The Ambassador, Ken Osinde, his wife Judith and son Emmanuel receiving a farewell gift from Ms. Nene on behalf of the Embassy staff. (Looking on is the Minister Counsellor, Mr. Muiruri)

As you already know, the current Kenyan Ambassador to Germany, Ken Osinde, will be leaving the Embassy in Berlin to be replaced by Joseph Magut. (Read: New Kenyan Ambassador to Germany named)

A farewell party was held for the ambassador and his family on Wednesday the 22nd of October at the Commercial Attaché’s residence. The evening was spent exchanging gifts and giving speeches on time spent working together. The ambassador also made a few rounds to bid farewell to other institutions that he has been working with e.g BMZ.

The ambassador has been in Berlin since 2010.

Mrs Owino receiving her farewell gift from Ms. Nene as her husband looks on

What most don’t know is that the second in command after the ambassador, you’d call her the “assistant ambassador” but is officially known as the “Minister Counsellor”, Mrs. Rosemary Owino, also left the embassy. A farewell party was held for her on the 13th of October.

Mrs. Owino’s replacement, Mr. Simon Muiruri, is already here.


To Mrs. Owino and Mr. Osinde and your family, we here at Mkenya wish you the very best in your future endeavours and thank you for supporting Mkenya Ujerumani throughout your tenure in Berlin. Mr. Muiruri, karibu sana and we look forward to working with you. Mr. Magut, we’re still waiting for you 😉

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