Apply for the German-African Media Camp 2014

German African Media Camp Comenga

You enjoy creatively presenting yourself, while using different media, would like to learn some more and have the opportunity  to connect with media fans of the same age in Germany?  You should definitely apply for our Media Camp!

Apply now and join in the fun: At the end of November (November 22 until December 1 2014), school-goers from Germany and our African partner countries are getting together for a Media Camp in Bremen (Germany). We are going to spend a whole week there working on German-African and global themes. In a series of different workshops, you get the opportunity to see “behind the scenes” in the world of media production and receive training to become a Media Champ – in front of or behind the camera, on the radio, in the fields of animation and post production – wherever is best for you.

How can you be a part of it all?

Super easy: Present yourselves and your school in a media report or item – and that in the most creative way you can possibly imagine. The best teams then get invited to attend the Media Camp in Bremen in November.

Produce or make a film, photo story, comic, animated clip, collage, radio report, podcast, app,vlog, game, website or any other medium of your choice.

Show us why your school has to take part in the African German Media Camp in November.

Imagine you’re introducing yourself, school, country and continent to someone who’s never been there. What should they know? What would you like them to know about you?

What can you submit?

Anything. Whatever you like. As long as it is a media item from you that it original and creative. Keep it short and exciting. Make sure you own the copyright of what you will present. If you wish to use items you didn’t create like pictures or music from the internet, make sure the owner allows you to use them. You can fin royalty-free music at or or when using Google image search, you activate the “Creative Commons” options in the search settings.

Who can apply?

Each and every school-goer between 15 and 19 years old.

How do you submit your media product or report?

Send your media item by 5th September 2014 together with the filled out application form (editable pdf or word document) by email to

If you have a media file larger than 10MB, you can upload it to Youtube or and send the link together with the application form to the email above.

If you it’s not in digital form, you can take a photo or scan it.


Still have questions about the application?

For more detailled information please see our Media Champ Flyer or visit our Website

Then simply send an email to Carina Schmid:

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