Kenyan Azubi Starts a Project to Help Educate an Orphan in Kenya

Residenzleiterin Beata Paluchowska, Auszubildende Lydia Rachier-Kiefer und Anja Pforr von der Knappschaft (von links) hoffen auf viele purzelnde Pfunde, um Geld für die Bildung der zwölf Jahre alten Helen aus Kenia zusammenzubekommen.
(l. to r.) Head of residence, Beata Paluchowska, the Kenyan Azubi,  Lydia Rachier-Kiefer and Anja Pforr

For most of us, being an Azubi means simply, doing what you need to do, get your certificate and hopefully a job after you graduate.

Well, this Kenyan lady Lydia Rachier-Kiefer who originates from Rongai, has decided to take her chance as an Azubi at a pharmacy in Waldhessen, to mobilise people where she works to help educate a child from Rongai, Hellen.

Together with her employers and colleagues, they came up with the idea of raising funds for Hellen. The idea is, each participant states what they will fast from during Lent (time between Ash Wednesday, 5th March until Easter 20th April). The money saved from fasting will be donated to Hellen. Also every kilo lost during Lent will result in donating a euro.

The drive started on March 10th, where the participants came to the pharmacy to weigh themselves and to write down their pledges.

“The money will be sent to an account in Rongai. The trustee of the money in Kenya is Lydia’s mother, who will personally see to it that the money is used exclusively for the stated purpose”, Head of residence at the Pharmacy Beata Paluchowska explained. The money collected will be sent to Lydia’s mother in Kenya who will ensure it goes to educating Helen. The annual school fee plus the cost of hot lunch , school books and school uniform is about 360 euros.

Participants will be informed of Hellen’s progress through copies of her school certificates ,letters and photos of Helen.

On Thursday 17th April, from 10am till 2pm, the participants will be hosted yet again at the pharmacy to record their weightloss and their donations. They will also receive a final health check including blood pressure and blood sugar measurement, just as they did at the start of the fasting.

According to Beata Paluchowska, this is a great cause that will appeal to many people : ” Most people would like to find ways to engage socially during lent but many miss a cause to engage in. So we came up with the idea of encouraging fasting from some foods thus promoting good health while doing good”.

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