From Au Pair in Germany to a Successful Career in Tourism in Kenya


Her name is Isabella Ayuma Otondo. She learnt German in Nairobi before she decided to come to Germany as an Au Pair to improve what she had learnt. The au pair year was to be an adventure, enjoying a different culture, learning the language and just enjoying the time away from home. After the year as an au pair, fully confident in her German she returned back to Kenya.

In Kenya she trained in Hotel Management in Nairobi. This got her many positions in different hotels and lodges across the country. As she worked, she took part in a Tourleader-Training course in Mombasa offered by Accept Reisen. Accept Reisen is a German tour company that specializes in green sustainable tourism.

She enjoys her job and enjoys the fact that she can show Kenya to the world. She loves showing people how multi-facetted Kenya is, as well as how much Kenya has been able to accomplish over time. She’s happy with what she has been able to accomplish so far.

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